Rite of Christian Initiation R.C.I.A.
Purpose or Mission: RCIA is a wonderful process of preparing children and adults to enter into full communion with Christ and His Church. It is a journey of knowledge, faith and heart and what it means to be Catholic, and so much more. The Rite of Christian Initiation introduces inquirers to the teaching of the Church and those seeking Baptism, Eucharist and/or Confirmation. Originally designed for adults seeking Baptism, it has been adapted to include children over the age of seven.
Requirements: The Diocese of St. Petersburg requires that children/youth complete one full year of catechesis to be eligible for initiation. This year may be completed in the parish Faith Formation Program (regular grade level) or Catholic School.
Each catechumen/candidate will need a sponsor who is an active, practicing Catholic in good standing. Sponsors will be required to participate in weekly meetings and in all group Liturgical Rites.
Time Commitment: The conversion process into the Church takes approximately one year. Participants and sponsors commit to a 1 ½ to 2 hour weekly group meeting.
Meeting Times: Enrollment is ongoing; with formal programs starting in the fall and ending at the Easter Vigil.
Contact: Fr. Rich Rosin