Outreach Ministries A-L


Bereavement Funeral Luncheons

Purpose or Mission: To provide assistance in setting up and serving at luncheons following a parish funeral.

Requirements: Willingness to assist parish family members on short notice. Volunteers must be able to meet the physical demands of moving tables, carrying trays and supplies.

Time Commitment: Approximately 2 hours.

Meeting Times: Typically 5 times a year.

Contact: parish office





Catechists for School of Faith Formation

Purpose or Mission: Religious formation for students in K-8th grade by offering classroom instruction and sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. If you love working with children, and if you are open to sharing your faith, you are qualified to teach! For more information on how you can help, please contact the School of Faith office.

Requirements: Active and in full participation in the Catholic Faith with a willingness to teach Church doctrine in accordance with Diocesan approved curriculum. Safe Environment Training and Level2 fingerprinting are mandated.

Time Commitment: One hour session plus pre-class lesson preparation. Classes meet weekly in the Ministry Building throughout the school year from early September till the end of May.

Meeting Times: Classes are held on Sundays 11:15 am to 12:30 pm. Volunteer Catechists, subs, assistants, hall monitors and office helpers are always needed.

If you have any questions or need additonal information please contact the Coordinators for the School of Faith Volunteers:

Contact: Mrs. Kathy Abernethy or Mr. Adam Wiercioch at 727-786-3648 ext 104  







Driving Ministry

Purpose or Mission: To drive registered parishioners to doctor appointments, physical therapy, grocery shopping, prescription pick-up and First Friday Healing Masses at the parish.

Requirements: Good driving record, adequate insurance coverage, ability to pay for own gas and car expense, as there is not reimbursement form the parish. Must also complete the Diocesan online training course “Ministering to Seniors and the Homebound.”

Time Commitment: Whatever amount of time you are willing to drive to help a fellow parishioner in need.

Meeting Times: Daily, weekly, monthly or as determined by request.

Contact: Ms Pat Finn  727-784-4715





Eucharistic Ministry to Homebound and Care Centers

Purpose or Mission: To bring Holy Communion to the homebound and sick of our parish who cannot attend Mass.

Requirements: To share the joy of the Blessed Sacrament with others in a loving and respectful manner. Procedural training, Diocese Level II background screening and Safe Environment Training required. New volunteers will be partnered with an experienced Extraordinary Minister.

Time Commitment: Approximately four hours per week.

Meeting Times: Ministers are needed daily but especially on Thursdays.

Contact: Sr. Vigy Joseph







Purpose or Mission: Greeter welcome parishioners and visitors to our Masses and other liturgical and social events. They make people feel happy and that their presence is important. When prearranged, Greeters introduce “new” parishioners to our priest and other members of the parish at the conclusion of Mass.

Requirements: Your God-given smile and pleasant “hello.”

Time Commitment: Your arrival 15 minutes prior to the Mass or to the event you are assigned.

Meeting Times: Volunteers are needed for weekend Masses and other events such as “Newcomer Welcome,” Open House, luncheons, etc.






Purpose or Mission: To assist other ministries hosting social events by helping to set up designated venues, serve food, beverages and clean up, so as to promote parish ministries, serve the parish and make individual parishioners feel a part of the parish.

Requirements: Willingness to pick up food items, help set up, serve, sometimes cook and clean up.

Time Commitment: Will vary based on the activity.

Meeting Times: Once a month depending on the activity: coffee and donuts, “Newcomer Welcome events,” parish picnic, luncheons, etc.

Contact: Steve Putnam






Knights of Columbus

Purpose or Mission: We are a fraternal organization of Catholic gentlemen dedicated to the concepts of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The St. Luke Council #12196 through its fund raising and service projects contributes not only to the parish but surrounding community of Palm Harbor as well.

Requirements: The Knights of Columbus is open to all interested Catholic men 18 years of age and older.

Time Commitment: Two to three hours a month in addition to helping at special events.

Meeting Times: Council meetings: Are held in the St. Luke Ministry Building Assembly Room

(Check the Parish Bulletin or Calendar for summer hours)

Business Meetings: First Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm.

Officer’s Meeting: Fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm.

Fourth Degree Assembly: Third Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm. 

Contact: Grand Knight Michael Breton  727-787-8735  KnightsCouncil.StLuke@gmail.com




Ladies Auxiliary – Knights of Columbus

Purpose or Mission: The Ladies Auxiliary supports the Knights of Columbus by assisting them at their Council Events.

We also sponsor the spring “Fashion Show,” Bunko, and the annual Christmas Pecans and Parish Cookbooks sales. The proceeds from all of these fundraisers are used for charitable causes and the needs of the parish.

Requirements: We welcome all ladies of the parish to join the Auxiliary. You do not need to be related to a Knight to participate and have fun!

Time Commitment: Two to three hours a month in addition to special events.

Meeting Times: Meetings are usually held at St. Luke in the Ministry Building Assembly Room. Check the Parish Bulletin or Events Calendar for times

Contact: Jean Gaspar

