Thank you for your interest in St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church. Whether you're just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, returning to the practice of your Catholic faith or interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we're happy you found us. If you're already a parishioner, glad you're here!
Our Parish Mission:
The people of God in the parish of St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church, in union with our pastor and parish staff, are centered on the Eucharist and are a welcoming and diverse community. We are committed to proclaim the Good News of God's love by developing the spiritual growth of our parish family, encouraging active participation, personal stewardship and community outreach.
We also depend on your prayers and sacrifices. Please do not forget to send your contributions to your Parish.
1.) Offertory for the whole month-one check
2.) Another check for Building fund. This is where we need more money at this time.
Direct Mailing of Your Contributions:
St.Luke Catholic Church
2757 Alderman Rd
Palm Harbor, Florida 34684
Sept. 15, 2024 - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This morning I received a text message that a member of my extended family will likely die of cancer within the next few hours. His name is Luke. He is a 45-year-old husband and father of six. Though I am not as close to him as my sister (she is his sister-in-law and knows him well), I wonder: how can we, including Luke himself, manage such a terribly awful and unfair situation?
The words of this Sunday’s Gospel offer a powerful and challenging path. Jesus says, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34). Today I see with new freshness the starkness and strangeness of the words take up. The cross stands for suffering which is unjust, absurd, seemingly hopeless, and humiliating. Jesus doesn’t say “accept” or “endure” or “tolerate,” but “take up.” Embrace it, actively. Choose it and lift it up for others to see what terrifies and sickens us. But somehow, for Jesus, this is the path to “saving one's life.” A new world is breaking in, one in which love is everything, when no relationship can be wounded or die. I trust that in the embraced suffering of Luke and his loved ones, Jesus is taking up his cross and saving us all.
By the time you read this, barring a miracle, Luke will have died. He will be carrying his cross no longer. But we all still face suffering. This week let’s not just endure, but take up our crosses, big and small. That’s our only hope for saving our lives. — Father John Muir ©LPi
OFFICE 727-786-3648
Fax: 727-789-9556
click a link to send an email
Father Camilo
Sister Vigy
Important Dates
The feasts on the General Roman Calendar celebrated during the month of September are:
3. Gregory the Great, Memorial
8. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast
9. Peter Claver (USA), Memorial
12. Most Holy Name of Mary, Opt. Mem.
14. Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Feast
15. Our Lady of Sorrows, Memorial
16. Cornelius and Cyprian, Memorial
17. Robert Bellarmine, Hildegard of Bingen, Opt. Mem.
19. Januarius, Opt. Mem.
21. Matthew, Apostle; Ember Saturday, Feast
23. Pius of Pietrelcina, Memorial
26. Cosmas and Damian, Opt. Mem.
28. Wenceslaus; Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, Opt. Mem.
29. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, Archangels, Feast
30. Jerome, Memorial
Help extend an invitation!
The month of October - Collecting yarn for prayer shawls. There will be more information coming soon and a collection basket at church.
*Please check back for upcoming events to help support two new ministries currently in the beginning stages of being formed for our Parish. More news will be shared here and in the bulletin!
Attention Ministry Coordinators: Please remember to submit the new Parish Calendar Event Form to Steve Putnam, of the Stewardship Ministry in advance of submitting a Parish Facility Form to Pamela Noll, Parish Office Manager. Click here for more information or click on the underlined forms to download copies for submission.
Be sure to check the Parish Events Calendar on the website for all approved events and meeting locations.
St. Luke's School of Faith Classes 11:15 am to 12:30 pm
Enroll today!
Registration information
Just click on the links below and print the forms!
School Calendar for 2024- 2025
Registration Fees for 2024-2025
Student Registration Forms Please complete one form per child.
Bishop Parkes Wants To Stay Connected With You!
Bishop Gregory Parkes has added a new weekly video program to his prolific social media presence. The program is titled, Take Five, Conversations on Faith and Life and it’s a talk show format that features interesting guests from around Florida and around the country. The segments are about five minutes in length and are designed to easily fit into people’s busy schedules. Video segments can be seen on the bishop’s Facebook and Instagram (@BishopParkes), the diocesan YouTube Channel (@DioStPete) or visit www.dosp.org/bishop.
Our Bishop's Bold New Website
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am happy to inform you of a news website that is officially launching today that is designed for you. The website is called GulfCoastCatholic.org and it will provide articles that help you to know, live and share the faith.
All of us in Tampa Bay, the Suncoast and the Nature Coast are geographically connected by the waters of our coastline and spiritually connected by the waters of Baptism. Our logo is a visual reminder of these connections.
Whether it’s stories about faith and family or news about our pope and our Church, GulfCoastCatholic.org will provide timely and relevant articles for staying up-to-date with Catholic life. We will also share stories about people who are Courageously Living the Gospel.
I encourage you to subscribe to our free, weekly e-newsletter, the Wednesday Wave. Then, you can stay informed and hopefully inspired.
Thank you for your faithfulness and may God bless you and all of your loved ones!
Bishop Gregory Parkes
Bishop of St. Petersburg
Vote No On Amendment 4
An extremely grave amendment has been placed on the November 2024 ballot that seeks to erase pro-life protections by inserting language into the Florida Constitution prohibiting regulation of abortion. The amendment would allow late-term abortions, and would eliminate laws requiring parental consent and safety protocols for women. The Catholic Church across the state of Florida is urging all Florida Catholics and people of good will to vote “no” on Amendment 4. To learn more, visit www.dosp.org/voteno.
Office of the Chancellor for Canonical Affairs Prayers and Donations for Ukraine Various Catholic agencies around the U.S. are collecting donations to assist with the crisis in Ukraine. If you would like to provide financial assistance, please click on any of the following links: Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Catholic Near East Welfare Association Aid to the Church in Need – Support for Religious Sisters in Ukraine Please pray for an end to the senseless violence that has so severely disrupted the lives of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, as well as their family members throughout the world. |
Click to download Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for Russia and Ukraine.
Across the Diocese, nearly 13,000 families have made a commitment online, in the mail or at their parishes. These gifts will fund efforts that nurture spiritual life, embrace God’s call to serve and accompany missionary disciples.
To learn more about the Catholic Ministry Appeal and the incredible Catholic ministries it supports, visit dosp.org/catholicministryappeal.
To learn more about the Catholic Ministry Appeal and the incredible Catholic ministries it supports,visit dosp.org/catholicministryappeal.
Fr. Paul
St. Luke's Prayer Chain (727) 460-9540
St. Luke Catholic Church
2757 Alderman Rd.
Palm Harbor, Florida 34684
The Donate Button is a new feature designed to provide a safe, secure and convenient way for St. Luke parishioners to make online donations. For more information click on the red WeShare donate button.